Competency models not only define what drives success in the organization, they provide a common language for everyone to use when discussing performance. With over 20 years of deep expertise in competency modeling we can help your organization develop a competency model that meets the needs of your organization and communicates to your employees the culture of your organization and the expectations for performance. Our approach is fundamentally based on the belief that creating a custom competency model is critical because it uniquely defines your culture and what behaviors make a difference in helping you to achieve your company’s mission and vision.
Speaking Engagements:
Goldberg, E. (2008, July). Cascading Competencies to Create Focus and Results. Human Capital Institute Webinar. (This webinar is part of HCI’s Strategic Workforce Planning Certification coursework).
Landis, R., Fogli, L., & Goldberg, E. (1998). Future-oriented job analysis: A description of the process and its organizational implications. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 6(3), 192- 197.