Competency models not only define what drives success in the organization, they provide a common language for everyone to use when discussing performance.With over 20 years of deep expertise in competency modeling we can help your organization develop a competency model that meets the needs of your organization and communicates to your employees the culture of your organization and the expectations for performance. Our approach is fundamentally based on the belief that creating a custom competency model is critical because it uniquely defines your culture and what behaviors make a difference in helping you to achieve your company’s mission and vision.
Speaking Engagements: Goldberg, E. (2008, July). Cascading Competencies to Create Focus and Results. Human Capital Institute Webinar. (This webinar is part of HCI’s Strategic Workforce Planning Certification coursework).
Articles: Landis, R., Fogli, L., & Goldberg, E. (1998). Future-oriented job analysis: A description of the process and its organizational implications. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 6(3), 192- 197.
Is your recruiting process too slow or leaving a bad impression on potential employees? Are you hiring people who turn out to be not a good fit? Are you jumpstarting new employees on a path of productivity and job satisfaction? Finding and selecting the best talent is not an easy job, yet it is the most important task your managers will do. If your talent is your competitive advantage then making sure your hire right the first time will pay significant dividends in the long run. E.L. Goldberg & Associates helps companies develop systems that attract and select the best talent and start them off on the road to productivity.
Recruiting Process Design
Well designed recruitment processes project the right company image and attract appropriate candidates (and re-attract valuable employees). The candidate’s experience as they proceed through your hiring process will both determine if they want to accept your job offer and whether they would want to be your customer in the future. We can help you redesign your recruitment process from the customer’s perspective to ensure it is efficient, effective, and leaves a positive impression on your candidates.
Selection systems designed to assess individual competencies help companies identify the best talent from a pool of applicants. From developing interviewing protocols to assessment centers we have experience helping companies make more accurate selection decisions and provide information that can be used to begin development planning from the outset. Hiring right the first time means reduced turnover and increased productivity.
New Employee Orientation
New employee orientation programs jump-start employee productivity and company indoctrination. The new employee experience begins the day they accept their job offer and reinforcing the employee’s choice to join the organization is important for both retention and employee satisfaction. Research has demonstrated that providing new employees with the right resources and a solid understanding of the organization during the first few weeks of employment will boost employee productivity.
Articles: Goldberg, E. (September 27, 2011). Solving the Female Brain Drain Issue. Diversity Executive (on-line). click to read article
Performance Management
E. L. Goldberg & Associates has been a leader in helping companies reinvent performance management to improve the process to better meet the needs of a contemporary organization. While traditional performance management processes served us for many years, today’s organizations are more agile, collaborative, and are comprised of mostly knowledge workers who have different expectations than employees of the past. We can help you drive employee performance and maximize employee contribution by helping you rethink how you approach this process.
We stay on top of evolving practices in performance management by conducting cutting-edge research on the design and implementation factors that drive success in performance management and by learning from those who are experimenting with new practices.
Speaking Engagements
- Reimagining Your Approach to Performance Management: New Processes for the Contemporary Workplace (December, 2015). TLNT Webinar.
- Rethinking Performance Reviews. (October, 2015), San Diego HR Forum, San Diego, CA.
- Disrupting Traditional Performance Management (October, 2015). Presentation given for 7Geese (private company event).
- Building a Cycle of Engagement and Development with Re-Calibrated Performance Management (September, 2015). HCI Webinar
- Reclaim Performance Management. (September, 2015) EmPerform Webinar
- Reimagining Performance Management: The Synaptics Case Study (September, 2015), HR Roundtable, Sherry Benjamins & Company, Long Beach, CA.
- Performance Management for the 21st Century Organization (2015). Presentation at the SHRM Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Goldberg, E. (2008, June). Performance Metrics that Drive Employee Engagement and Business Results. IOMA Webinar.
Articles: Innovative Performance Management: Leveraging Social Media Technology (in press).
Chapter in HR Directions. HR C-Suite publications. click to read article
- It’s Time We Reinvent Performance Management for Today’s Business Challenges (July 8,2015). click to read article
- Performance Management Gets Social (July, 2015). HR Magazine. click to read article
A Comparison of Effective and Ineffective Performance Management Initiatives. (2007)
Report published by E. L. Goldberg & Associates, Menlo Park, CA.
Career Management
Do your employees know their career options within your organization? Do they know what skills and experiences they need to develop to achieve their career goals? Are managers providing developmental opportunities that meet individual and organizational goals? Well designed career management systems identify possible career paths within the organization, specify the requirements for desired positions and what it takes to be successful, keep employees motivated when advancement opportunities are limited, and enable employees to take control of their own careers. Providing managers with the tools and skills to engage with their employees in discussions about their career goals can aid retention in your organization.
We can assist your organization by doing the following:
- Defining your Career Management philosophy
- Creating a model for career management in your organization
- Defining career paths
- Creating a process and tools for employees to manage their own career
- Implementing your new career management process throughout your organization
Speaking Engagements
- Goldberg, E. (April, 2012). Career Management in the 21st Century. Presentation at the HR People & Strategy (HRPS) Global Conference, April, 2012. New York, NY.
- Goldberg, E. (March, 2012). Changing the Conversation on Careers: 7 Ways to Improve Career Satisfaction. The Pacific Northwest HR Strategic Forum, Portland, OR.
Articles: Goldberg, E. (2013). The Changing Tides of Careers. People & Strategy Journal, 35(4), p. 52-58.
Goldberg, E. (September 5, 2011). 6 Ways You Can Help Your Employees Facilitate Their Career Success. click to read article
Goldberg, E. (September 2, 2011). Career Management: Why HR Needs to be Ready With Expert Advice. click to read article
Leadership Development and Manager Effectiveness
One of the biggest concerns of senior executives today is a lack of leadership bench strength in their organization. And in today’s fast paced world we often need to accelerate the development of potential leaders to achieve organizational goals. We can help you identify potential leadership talent in your organization and building critical competencies through a series of learning and development activities. We have helped companies build global leadership talent who are ready to advance to higher levels of management when positions become available through the use of:
We can assist your organization by doing the following:
- Leadership Assessments
- Coaching
- Action Learning Programs
- Developmental Assessment Centers
CLEAR Institute is dedicated to the development of outstanding leaders. CLEAR distinguishes itself by its A-list coaching and development faculty, integration of coaching and development initiatives, and commitment to measuring sustainable improvement in leaders.
Articles: Goldberg, E. (2009). Retaining talent through better management. Talent Management Magazine (online).
Goldberg, E. (2007) Why you must build management capability. Workforce Management Online, November. click to read article